Italian, English
Hardcover, 320 pages, 13,5 x 19,4 cm
ISBN 9788899385781
Italian, English, Hardcover, 320 pages, 13,5 x 19,4 cm, 2021.
This diary, written between 24 August and 2 October 2019, narrates a forty-day journey on foot from Venice to L’Aquila. The route ideally followed the Gloria Fault – the subterranean fracture where the European and African tectonic plates meet – which runs through much of Italy and is responsible for the telluric events that often affect the peninsula, as well as for its morphogenesis and many of its specific anthropological and cultural characteristics. The journey on foot traced the transmission path in reverse of the seismic waves that hit central Italy in 2016, in the attempt to create a ritual and apotropaic action reflecting on the state of crisis triggered by the earthquake. The notion of motus is explored and interpreted by Giorgio Andreotta Calò through the gesture of walking, in correspondence with telluric movement or terrae motus, which also travels over long distances like a call.
Design Maxwell Studio – Teresa Piardi | Questo libro è stato realizzato con il contributo di Regione Lazio nell’ambito del Programma Arte sui cammini e del Progetto Meridiani a cura di Raffaella Frascarelli – Nomas Foundation, Roma. / This book was published with the support of Regione Lazio, as part of the Arte sui cammini Program and the Meridiani Project curated by Raffaella Frascarelli – Nomas Foundation, Rome.
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