Paperback staples, 32 pages, 16,5 x 21 cm
co-publisher Babel Bellinzona, 2014
Italian, Paperback staples, 32 pages, 16,5 x 21 cm, co-publisher Babel Bellinzona, 2014.
On the occasion of the Babel Festival of Literature and Translation of Bellinzona (11-14 September 2014), Humboldt Books presented Primi Dispacci dai Caraibi by Matteo Campagnoli and Stefano Graziani, a preview of Dispacci dai Caraibi. The Caribbean is the stage on which the fates of the great colonial empires were played out and the world we know today first saw the light: a melting pot of races, cultures and languages that have been hybridised, mingled and reinvented. On this journey through the islands of St. Lucia, Trinidad and Martinique, Matteo Campagnoli and Stefano Graziani come across not only glistening stretches of sand and coconut palms, but also blue devils, British admirals and Creole taxi drivers, oil drums used as musical instruments and plantations turned into princely resorts, soca singers and slaves on the run, bat men and Norman corsairs, Indian temples and the most famous of carnivals in all the Antilles, cruise-ship tourists and adventurers on a desperate quest for their Eldorado.
Graphic design: Teresa Piardi (Maxwell studio)
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